Second Monday of Advent/Immaculate Conception

Gospel: Mt 8:5-11

Even though this commemoration of Mary has taken place since the 17th century, the idea that Mary is free from original sin has long been debated. In medieval times, this was a Franciscan vs. Dominican battle with Duns Scotus in favor, and Thomas Aquinas against. It was at the Council of Trent that the idea of the Immaculate Conception officially became Church teaching, and then it became dogma in the 19th century. But rather than debate the concept of original sin, perhaps we need to take a step back and consider that legend has it that Ann and Joachim were older and infertile when Mary was conceived. In today’s Gospel, the Angel Gabriel tells Mary that her sister Elizabeth was also infertile but now pregnant with John the Baptist. And Mary, despite being unwed, was also pregnant with Jesus. And she was brave enough to say Yes to God, despite her fear. Today, many families struggle with infertility and it is a somewhat taboo subject. May those hoping to conceive yet are unable hold onto the hope of Advent and take the example of Ann and Joachim, and Elizabeth and Zechariah to heart. And may we all take the example of Mary’s “Yes” as we await the coming of Jesus, despite any fears we may have of the future. 

Black Moses is the ED of CTA.


Second Tuesday of Advent


Second Sunday of Advent