First Tuesday of Advent

Gospel: Lk 10:21-24

This year, as we move through this Season of Advent, we are invited to ask ourselves, “How do we hold out the light for others This year, as we move through this Season of Advent, we are invited to ask ourselves, “How do we hold out the light for others and for ourselves as we await the coming anew of Christ in our lives?”  

The readings today call us to imagine the unimaginable.  Faith and justice can move mountains.  War and fighting can end. Situations that could potentially cause harm and require caution are experienced with abandon.  Nothing requires our own efforts.  All is offered to us freely.  There are no conditions set or strings attached.  We are not told who is deserving, because all are included.

God’s love, even where there is struggle, pain, doubt, and seemingly impossible conditions will cover all of us “as the water covers the sea.” (Is 11.9)  

The light we hold out for others and for ourselves, also inconceivable, will illuminate all of creation.  It will allow us to see each other as human beings.  I hold up the lamp and see my sister and my brother.  Each one of us will learn how to listen to another who holds diverse opinions.  I renew my commitment to deep listening and nonviolent communication skills.  

I hold up the lamp and witness creation as a gift to be referenced and cared for with delight.  Living in harmony with all God’s creatures brings joy and hope.  Our vision will become like the plant that grows in abundance.  I am willing to look at where simplicity and sustainability might become more visible in how I live.  

"Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.” (Lk 10.23)  The light we hold up allows us to clearly see the life of peace and justice that Jesus lived.  Love is the light.  Christ is coming anew because we both bask in this light ourselves and carry it to others in all we do.      

Peggy Ryan, OP is a Dominican Sister of Sinsinawa, WI


First Wednesday of Advent


First Monday of Advent