Left Catholic zine launches

Call To Action is thrilled to announce the launch of the Left Catholic zine! This project, edited by Abby Rampone and Tess Gallagher Clancy, draws on a variety of traditions to articulate a people-centered, anti-capitalist vision of the Catholic left. The theme of this first issue is “mapping the Catholic left.” It includes voices from the Catholic Worker movement, anti-capitalist art, poetry, theology, ecclesiology, and more.

This zine is free to read on Call To Action’s website. You may also download and print your own copies: this publication is meant to be copied and shared freely! Click on the “PDF to print” button to download a version that is formatted for double-sided printing as a booklet. Select “flip on short edge” to print successfully.

For information about future issues of this publication, watch Call To Action’s website or social media. To support projects like this, click here to donate to Call To Action.


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