CTA special event on our apocalyptic moment

CTA’s Community Leaders present a special event with theologian Ched Myers!

In a presentation titled, “Staying Awake Amidst a Great ‘Uncovering’: Practical Discipleship under Climate Ultimatums,” theologian Ched Myers will look at our “apocalyptic” moment of interlocking social and ecological crises, and briefly touch on some of the roots of our civilizational dilemma. He will focus on full-spectrum practices, both household and societal, that keep us awake to this critical moment and build imagination and capacity for resilience and renewal. This includes how we handle money, lifestyle habits, local engagements and strategic political movement-building as expressions of our faith and solidarity with Creation and marginalized communities.

This CTA special event will take place on Zoom on October 19, 2022 at 8pm EST/ 7 pm CT/ 6 pm MST/ 5 pm PT. The presentation will last 90 minutes.

Click here to register for the event, and receive the Zoom link.

About the presenter: Ched Myers is an activist theologian who has worked in social change movements for more than 40 years, partnering with a variety of social justice and ecojustice organizations, including American Friends Service Committee and Pacific Concerns Resource Center. He and his partner Elaine Enns, a restorative justice practitioner, live in the Ventura River watershed in Southern California where they co-direct Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries and focus on building capacity among young faith and justice leaders. Their most recent book is Healing Haunted Histories: A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization.


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