Share your story

Our webinar series is a great opportunity to hear from knowledgeable ministers and leaders, but we know the real experts are families like yours. So, we want YOU to start this month's discussion; share your story and opinions now for a chance to be featured in the discussion.

Last month, our webinar series kicked off with a great presentation about the Vatican Survey, now it’s time to see what these questions  mean to us. This month, our Ministering to All Families webinar will explore how we as Church can better minister to divorced Catholics and their families. Are you divorced, remarried, a child of divorced parents? How has your faith community been supportive? What could they have done better? Share your stories of hope, healing and transformation and get a chance to be featured on our webinar!

Email us at, leave a message on our Facebook page or tweet us to get the discussion started. Then be sure to register and join us on April 13. A few of the shared stories will start us off and all participants will have a chance to share in the discussion. 


Annual appeal: Francis


MSNBC: Historic Meeting Between President & Pope