Lent in the Time of Coronavirus: A Conversation


Zach Johnson and Abby Rampone will be hosting a conversation next Friday, March 27, at 10 am Pacific/12 pm Central/1 pm Eastern that will use their CTA staff Lenten reflections as a starting place for an open discussion on Lent, COVID-19, capitalism, grief, church reform, and more. To read their reflections in preparation for the discussion, check out Lent in the Time of Coronavirus: Pt. 1 (Abby) and Pt. 2 (Zach).

Sample discussion questions:

  • Do we need Lent in times of crisis? How have you been commemorating (or not commemorating) Lent this year?

  • What do the rhythms of your life look like right now?

  • How and when have you felt forgotten, beaten down, or burned out in your life? Why?

  • How are you caring for yourself and others in your life?

  • How can Catholics prevent a return to the old system?

  • What might resurrection look like at a time like this?

No RSVP necessary. Join by video at zoom.us/j/821809351?pwd=OGVWSEVNYzErQWpZUzVuUHR3MWRDQT09Or call 312-626-6799, ID 821 809 351, password 721776 Or call in via a local number, listed at zoom.us/u/adIhmp0Anj


CTA in the Time of Coronavirus: An Appeal


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