Lent in the Time of Coronavirus: A Conversation
Zach Johnson and Abby Rampone will be hosting a conversation next Friday, March 27, at 10 am Pacific/12 pm Central/1 pm Eastern that will use their CTA staff Lenten reflections as a starting place for an open discussion on Lent, COVID-19, capitalism, grief, church reform, and more. To read their reflections in preparation for the discussion, check out Lent in the Time of Coronavirus: Pt. 1 (Abby) and Pt. 2 (Zach).
Sample discussion questions:
Do we need Lent in times of crisis? How have you been commemorating (or not commemorating) Lent this year?
What do the rhythms of your life look like right now?
How and when have you felt forgotten, beaten down, or burned out in your life? Why?
How are you caring for yourself and others in your life?
How can Catholics prevent a return to the old system?
What might resurrection look like at a time like this?
No RSVP necessary. Join by video at zoom.us/j/821809351?pwd=OGVWSEVNYzErQWpZUzVuUHR3MWRDQT09Or call 312-626-6799, ID 821 809 351, password 721776 Or call in via a local number, listed at zoom.us/u/adIhmp0Anj