Monday of Holy Week

April 3rd, 2023

Call to Action: 84

84. We call upon the federal government to restore and increase funding to the CBC/Radio-Canada, to enable Canada’s national public broadcaster to support reconciliation, and be properly reflective of the diverse cultures, languages, and perspectives of Aboriginal peoples, including, but not limited to:
i. Increasing Aboriginal programming, including Aboriginal-language speakers.
ii. Increasing equitable access for Aboriginal peoples to jobs, leadership positions, and professional
development opportunities within the organization.
iii. Continuing to provide dedicated news coverage and online public information resources on issues
of concern to Aboriginal peoples and all Canadians, including the history and legacy of residential
schools and the reconciliation process.

Suggestions for Almsgiving

The 2023 Lenten Calendar is a project of CTA's Indigenous Solidarity Collective, a working group that addresses the Catholic Church's historical and current role in colonialization. To support more projects from working groups like this one, please consider making a contribution!

Monday, Apr. 3, 2023

Media and Reconciliation

Call To Action's 2023 Lenten Calendar is a collaboration between the Indigenous Solidarity Collective and Anti-Racism Team (ART). This calendar provides more than 40 days of prayer and study to lead members into action and solidarity with Indigenous communities. For holy days and Sundays during Lent, we'll publish a reflection from an ART or Indigenous Solidarity Collective member on why we're committed to undoing racism and Indigenous oppression in our own communities and biases and what it means to do this work as Catholics. Following each meditation or reflection, we will feature a call to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.

Take a moment and let us close our eyes. Smell the perfumed oil that Mary uses to anoint Jesus' feet. Let us collectively smell the sweetness and have it fill us.

Where do we approach life through a scarcity, capitalist mindset? What if we treated the ones that we loved with the abundance that is God? The joy of Easter is a collective, liberating joy—one that recognizes, prioritizes, and celebrates Christ among and within us.

May this Lenten journey toward Easter Sunday remind us that the 94 calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada are a pathway to reconciliation, healing, and collective joy. Should we not hurry to move towards that joy? 

—Meditation by Indigenous Solidarity Collective member Scott Pyzik

As part of your Lenten practice, please consider donating to one or more of the
following organizations: